AIU - Atlantic International UniversityEducationNEWS Use ChatGPT to create your own examsmyaiutvFebruary 9, 2024Use ChatGPT to create your own examsIn your student portal you have ChatGPT to create questions for your assignments. The lin...080200
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityEducationNEWS Artificial Intelligence transforming Education at AIUmyaiutvFebruary 9, 2024May there be peace in your life and community. What would you say is the most important advancement in education in the last...077200
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityNEWSVideos & TV Your Invitation to the New AIU World Symposium – February 22 – Perpetual EvolutionmyaiutvFebruary 16, 2023 February 16, 2023Evolution is perpetual in that it never stops and constantly changes. That evolution allows you to solve any challenge that you face...01.9K00
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityNEWS Join Go Green!myaiutvFebruary 7, 2023EARN $100 TOWARD GRADUATION FEES Happiest of New year to you and your family. I wish you perfect health and abundance in thi...01.9K00
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityEducationNEWS A message from your AIU TutormyaiutvOctober 3, 2022 October 3, 2022There are several ways our tutors will be in touch you: Thank you for being an integral part of Atlantic International University. &...02.5K00
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityNEWS We want to congratulate our AIU graduate, Prof. William Sendihe, for his most recent achievementmyaiutvAugust 30, 2022AIU Graduate is now a fully authorized Professor for all Universities in DRC We want to congratulate our AIU graduate for his most r...03.1K30
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityNEWS Best way to develop your unique potential – AIUmyaiutvAugust 18, 2022 August 18, 2022Your education is too valuable to miss your monthly assignment. On your way to reach your unique potential, you send at least one as...02.6K00
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityNEWS ¡Conviértete en Alumni hoy!myaiutvJune 10, 2022 June 10, 2022Conviértete en un Alumni de AIU, porque mereces un futuro holístico e innovador. ¡FELICIDADES! Lo más importante es tu evolución dia...03K20
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityNEWS Become Alumni Today!myaiutvJune 10, 2022 June 10, 2022Become an AIU Alumni, because you deserve a holistic and disruptively innovative future. CONGRATULATIONS! The most important thing i...02.5K20
AIU - Atlantic International UniversityEducationNEWSSpanish Únete y celebra tu graduación – Atlantic International UniversitymyaiutvMarch 25, 2022 March 25, 2022Estimado estudiante, Durante este mes sus colegas han roto paradigmas, están demostrando las ganas de cambiar el mundo, como su inno...02.6K20