Watch LaterAdded Videos & TV Questions No One Knows the Answers To: A TED-Ed Video by Chris AndersonMarcel JarvisMarch 31, 2021 April 6, 2021TED Curator, Chris Anderson, like many of us as children, had wild and curious imaginations. Ideas about the world we live in. How t...088600
Watch LaterAdded 04:58AIU - Atlantic International UniversitySpanishStudents LOS EJERCICIOS MEJORAN LA SALUD Y TE LLENAN DE ENTUSIASMOMarcel JarvisJanuary 14, 2021 January 22, 2021Nuestra alumna Diana Dizdarevic presenta “LOS EJERCICIOS MEJORAN LA SALUD Y TE LLENAN DE ENTUSIASMO” gratis para todos los est...01.1K30
Watch LaterAdded 04:13AIU - Atlantic International UniversitySpanishStudents MOTIVANDO A LA MUJER EMPRENDEDORAMarcel JarvisDecember 29, 2020 January 22, 2021Diana Dizdarevic Alumna de Atlantic International Univeristy nos presenta “Motivando a la Mujer Emprendedora” gratis para todos los...01K00
Watch LaterAdded 01:59AIU - Atlantic International UniversitySpanishStudents CONFERENCIA EN PERÚ 2019Marcel JarvisDecember 22, 2020 January 22, 2021Conferencia en Perú 2019 presentada por la Doctora Diana sobre la visualización y el éxito. El poder de la visualización mental no d...11K20
Watch LaterAdded Videos & TV Exclusive Virtual Graduation Class Atlantic International University August 2020Marcel JarvisDecember 15, 2020 January 22, 2021It is with great pleasure that we present our Virtual Graduating Class of August 2020. This Graduation from Atlantic International C...01K00
Watch LaterAdded 03:38AIU - Atlantic International UniversitySpanishStudents TU PUEDES SER UN TRIUNFADORMarcel JarvisDecember 9, 2020 January 21, 2021SÍGUEME EN MIS REDES SOCIALES : Facebook:… Instagram: T...35K10
Watch LaterAdded 01:10:12AIU - Atlantic International UniversityDr Armando SegundoSpanishStudents TUTORIAL Resolución Casos 01 y 02 PRECIOSMarcel JarvisNovember 30, 2020 January 21, 20210001K20
Watch LaterAdded 01:50:36AIU - Atlantic International UniversityDr Armando SegundoSpanishStudents TUTORIAL RESOLUCION DE CASOS 01 Y 02. TEMA PRECIOSMarcel JarvisNovember 30, 2020 January 21, 20210000.9K40
Watch LaterAdded 02:48:22AIU - Atlantic International UniversityDr Armando SegundoSpanishStudents CLASE PRECIOS 0Marcel JarvisNovember 28, 2020 January 21, 20210011.1K20
Watch LaterAdded 12:37AIU - Atlantic International UniversityDr Armando SegundoSpanishStudents Atlantic International University Curso de Precio Parte A.Marcel JarvisNovember 27, 2020 January 26, 2021Atlantic International University Curso de PRECIO Parte A. Atlantic International University Curso de Precio parte A, por su génesis...11K10